Outstanding IR Awards

TMT was awarded an Outstanding IR Awards which honors listed companies with outstanding IR activities for the second consecutive year in SET Awards 2012, on November 22, 2012 at Stock Exchange of Thailand. It was considered based on IR activities and satisfaction survey from the information user, director and corporate team's qualification, diversity and quality of accessibility and the policy which benefits to shareholders and investors.

Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies: CGR

The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and The Securities and Exchange Commission Thailand have supported the Institute of Directors (IOD) to launch the Corporate Governance Report (CGR) of Thai Listed Companies Project to survey and assess the quality of corporate governance in comparison with international standard practices for use as a guideline to develop the corporate governance policy of Thai listed companies. The criteria of assessment are as follows;

1. Rights of Shareholders

2. Equitable Treatment of Shareholders

3. Roles of Stakeholders

4. Disclosure and Transparency

5. Board Responsibilities

TMT obtains the results from aforesaid project as follows: